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Diagnostic Tests


URINE CULTURE TEST, urine culture tests,lab tests,health care,urine analysis,glucose,urine sample collection,routine urine examination,labs,laboratory,laboratories,clinical lab,medical lab,urinary tract infection
Urine culture

Cytobacteriological urine analysis (Urine culture test) involves testing a person's urine for a possible urinary tract infection and to determine which germs are involved. The goal is then to adapt the antibiotic treatment as well as possible. 

Why do a cytobacteriological urine test?

 The urine culture is the most commonly performed bacteriological examination in hospitals and in doctor's offices. It must be said that urinary tract infections are the second cause of bacterial infection after respiratory infections. They can affect the bladder (cystitis), the prostate (prostatitis) and the kidneys (pyelonephritis). The urinalysis allows the diagnosis of these different conditions in adults, children and infants.

 It can be prescribed:

  •  In case of symptoms of cystitis (burning during urination, pain, frequent urges, etc.) or pyelonephritis (same symptoms with fever and pain in the lower back) 
  • In case of symptoms of prostatitis in men (fever, pelvic pain, urinary problems, etc.) 
  • During a high fever in an infant (over 39 ° C) 
  • If a urine test strip is positive, or if there is blood in the urine
  • Or for a control, for example in the event of pregnancy, in a diabetic patient or one having an immune deficiency, etc. 

The exam

 Normally, urine is sterile. If bacteria are found there, an infection is in progress. 

However, it is important to respect certain conditions for the sample, in order to prevent it from being contaminated by external bacteria

The test is best done in the morning (otherwise, it is advisable to wait several hours after the last urination, to allow time for bacteria to build up in the urine). First, clean the glans or vulva (urinary meatus) with soapy water or a mild antiseptic, then rinse with water. 

The first drops of urine should not be collected: only the urine "middle of the stream" should be collected in the sterile container. 

In infants and young children, the sample is taken using sterile adhesive bags, after careful washing of the perineum.

In some people, a suprapubic puncture can also be done, but it is invasive and painful.

What results can we expect from a cytobacteriological examination of the urine? 

The sample is analyzed quickly in the laboratory. We look for the presence of abnormal amounts of white blood cells (leukocyturia) and bacteria (number and species present). A dye can be used to highlight certain cells or bacteria. The counting is carried out by automated machines.

=>> It is considered that there is an infection if the number of bacteria exceeds 100,000 / ml. 

=>>Between 103 and 105 bacteria / ml, the result is less clear but does not exclude a urinary tract infection.

 Depending on the results, it is decided or not to carry out an antibiogram to find out which antibiotics to which the germs present are sensitive and to better target the treatment. Otherwise, an antibiotic will be prescribed empirically.

How much does the urine culture cost?

The urine culture test costs around 59$ in different labs across the US.

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